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        Alpha power Spring Ministry found on June 21 20 20 by Pastor Merid and his family. God has given us the vision, that advances the kingdom of God. Our ministry is focused on empowering the believers through the word of God, prayer, and making prayer to the filling of the Holy Spirit. This ministry is working with the church that grows the believers giving training and teaching on the word of God.

                                               DEFINITION OF THE MINISTRY NAME(APSM)

ALPHA (A): the first and the beginner. According to the Bible, God is the first and the source of everything as well as Jesus is the first and the end of everything. Jesus is the first and the head of this Ministry. Rev 1: 8, Eph 1:22, Col 1:18.

POWER: the ability or the strength to produce an effect. Christian living needs to have empowerment from God to live fruitful lives. The divine power is the key to productive Christian living. God is the source of power, and he always revealed his power through his word and his spirit. The vision of this ministry is to equip the believers with God's word and Holy spirit to have them the right fellowship with God through his divine power. Jer 27:5, 32:17, Exo15:6,13 Gen3:24,Psa46:1,86:16.

SPRING: According to John 4:7 the spring of living water has been given by Jesus to those who believe in him. This spring water should flow internally in the believer's life without any interruption.

                                                           OBJECTIVE OF THE MINISTRY:

     The main role of this ministry is as we live on the last day the believers keep their life by the power of God individually and in the group church.  So, this ministry helps the believers' life equipped by the word of God and spirit. This ministry's main roles will teach the word of God with short and long-term training and make powerful prayer for the filling of the Holy Spirit.


                                                            THE MISSION OF THE MINISTRY:

   This ministry is a biblical mission, that preaches, and teaches the word of God. Will perform the great mission in America, Ethiopia, also other countries.  In cooperation with the church.  The main purpose is to equip power and makes believers fully qualified for the kingdom of Christ in their whole life.

                                                             GOAL OF THE MISSION:

Our ministry's main goal is to have saints' life equipped with power in all directions